Quality Improvement Programme
Starting your Demand, Capacity and Flow Journey
4 days (over 6 months)
This training programme is designed to support teams and individuals in developing the skills and capability to introduce or enhance a demand and capacity management and planning approach to improve patient flow and reduce waiting lists/times.

Who should attend
Teams of up to 6 people from a service, which could include operations, service, and/or business support managers, clinicians, administrative employees, and service analysts who are interested in developing their D&C skills and knowledge.
Teams who would like to introduce or enhance a demand and capacity management and planning approach with the aim of improving patient flow and reducing waiting lists/times.

What the programme involves
Day 1: Pathway mapping, using pathway maps to understand and improve demand and capacity management and flow, measuring and understanding demand and capacity, balancing demand and capacity.
Day 2: Systems Thinking and how to apply the approach to implement effective action to improve flow and reduce waiting lists, understanding waiting lists and effective management strategies.
Day 3: Approaches to optimise flow and reduce waiting lists/times, helping patients to wait well.
Day 4: Using SPC to understand demand data, introduction to D&C tools, a brief introduction to modelling and what it can do preparatory steps.

Are you ready to start your Demand, Capacity and Flow Journey?
We are looking for teams of up to 6 people to join our programme starting in June 2024.
For expressions of interest or further details, contact quality.improvement@solent.nhs.uk