Side-by-Side is the name given to a partnership between the Academy of Research and Improvement team and a dedicated group of individuals that give a patient and public perspective to our work.
The group meet regularly to help make sure everything that the team do has a patient perspective embedded at the heart of it.

So, what does the
Side-by-Side network do?
They take part in research:
Influencing research questions and procedures
Working alongside researchers and clinical coworkers
Shaping how we share research findings
Gaining feedback on research projects
They participate in service improvement:
Providing services with ideas for improvement
Being part of a service Quality Improvement (QI) team
Providing the 'patients' point-of-view' in QI projects
Developing QI skills and knowledge to help inform projects
Supporting other Side-by-Side members with being involved in QI projects
They help to inform Clinical Effectiveness:
Using experiences to provide services with ideas for audits and evaluations
Offering constructive criticism and providing a patient view at the annual audit planning
Helping services to share their evaluations and the impact of change in an accessible, patient friendly way
They influence the Academy's strategy:
Reviewing and setting Side-by-Side’s annual objectives
Providing practical support to the Academy
Being part of interview panels for recruiting new staff
Becoming an ambassador for conferences and events
Volunteering to support at Academy events
They shape how we communicate:
Helping to develop and evolve how we share information
Sharing resources, supporting and learning with other Side-by-Side network members
Advocating to make information patient and public friendly
Capturing and sharing your experiences
Helping to develop newsletters, websites and leaflets